Keystone Lake Striper and White Bass
We had the pleasure of having Lewis and Linda Hubbel on Keystone Lake to catch Striper and White Bass.
Bait was tough this morning throwing the 8ft taped net in 40-55ft of water. I was only getting a few baits each throw and it took a good hour and a half to get enough baits for the day.
We picked them up on the dock at 8:30 with a tank full of fresh and feisty shad. Long story short, we fished until 2:00 with only a largemouth bass and 3 white bass to show for our efforts.
At 2:00pm, Lewis asked me at what point you just lick your wounds and give a win to the fish for the day. I told him I don’t give up that easily and planned on checking two more spots. I gave him the option of dropping them off at the dock and I’d go check them or they could join me. Luckily, he decided to stick it out and join me.
First of the last two spots showed more fish, but still not active feeding fish…same thing we have been seeing all day long!!!!
Last area to look, BAM exactly what we wanted to see all day long…FINALLY!!!! We hammered the white bass and a couple striper over the next hour or so. Linda got her personal best 13 pound striper!!! Congrats Linda!!!

Thank you Lewis and Linda for sticking it through the long boat rides and slow moments this morning and allowing us to finally find what we were looking for. It’s the tough days of hunting the right group of fish that really make you appreciate good customers and looking forward to the days the fish cooperate a little easier.