Spoonbill Paddlefish on Fort Gibson – 4/8/16

Spoonbill Paddlefish on Fort Gibson Lake in Oklahoma

Spoonbill Paddlefish have been tough the past couple of weeks and it continued this weekend.  I had two trips today and the fish were extremely scattered with our mild temps and no water flow.

The first trip we managed to get one stinking spoonbill paddlefish and a couple gar.  Not at all, what we expect for snagging this time of year.

The second trip was a little better.  I made a long run way down lake to some wintering areas and found a large group to get everyone a fish.  I’ve never see it this tough.  Good news, rain is in the forecast which will get us some flow and much much better fishing ahead.  The weather and company was great today, but the fishing was super tough.

Fort Gibson Lake Spoonbill Paddlefish Fort Gibson Lake Spoonbill Paddlefish Fort Gibson Lake Spoonbill Paddlefish

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